Monthly Archives: August 2016

9 ‘Slavery Facts’ They Don’t Teach In Public Schools

The Angry PatriotThe Angry Patriot


As we all suffer at the disingenuous outcry from Black Lives Matter false narrative, the biggest victim in it all is the historical truth. From the lie about a greater number of Black people getting shot by police to the root-case subject of slavery in the United States, the victim class Black community in America exists on the breath of lies.

I bring up slavery for a very good reason. Not only is the United States the only country in the history of the world to go to war, in part, over the abolition of slavery, today’s recollection of the historical facts around slavery are never – never – accurately reported. Which is why the “9 Facts About Slavery” infographic published by was such a refreshing thing to see.

If every young Black person was afforded the honesty of an accurate history on slavery in the United States, the victimhood class of race-baiters would be relegated to the ash heap of history…along with slavery.

The infographic lays out some soul-searching truths for the Black community.

1-The first of these facts is that the very first slave owner in the colonies was a Black tobacco farmer named Anthony Johnson. One has to wonder if he thought Black lives mattered.

2-In 1860, just as the US Civil War was about to begin – and as the subject of slavery in the United States was at a boiling point, North Carolina’s largest slave owner was a Black plantation owner named William Ellison. Evidently he had a “plantation mentality.”

3-Another point that is sure to make the Liberal-Progressives cringe is the fact that Native Americans – the same Native Americans the Left always say was (and is) so victimized – owned thousands of Black slaves. I guess we don’t teach US history anymore so that little tidbit doesn’t come out.

4-Years before the US Civil War, in 1830, records show that there were 3,775 free Black people who owned 12,740 Black slaves. I guess today’s “reparations” crowd should double check those records to make sure their ancestors weren’t slave owners instead of slaves before they go signing any petitions, eh?

5-In contrast to the narrative that all Black slaves in the US picked cotton and were whipped to within inches of their lives for even looking a White person in the eye, many Black slaves in the United States during the time of slavery held jobs in the private sector, and owned businesses and real estate.

6-Brutal Black African tribes were the sources of Black slaves. African tribe members would capture members of other Africa tribes and sell them, a practice that went on for thousands of years.

7-When slaves were brought to the United States, this was often done at the hands of Black slave owners.

8-Today, throughout the Middle East and in Africa, slavery still exists. As in the days of widespread slavery, in Africa Black-on-Black slavery still exists. That means that the only racial demographics in the world today still practicing this barbaric trade are African Blacks and Muslims.

9-Experts say the death toll from the US Civil War reached the area of 700,000 people. This war was fought – in part, not completely, but in part – to abolish slavery. Because almost a million people died, the byproduct was freedom for Black slaves and a pathway to true equality, a goal each and every racial demographic strives for today.

This is why those who love history – or at least respect it – are so enraged with the disingenuous and divisive narrative of the Black Lives Matter crowd and race-baiting charlatans like Al Sharpton. They are exploiting the dead who gave up their lives to make them free.