I just saw on the Noon News where the FBI Director has decided not to press charges against Hilliary. WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? Birds of a feather always flock together; especially under Obama’s reign of terror. After these eight years, I just hope all the ones who voted for the current White House guests are fervently happy with their decisions. I am not! America as we used to know it, is permanently Dead on Arrival. The American peoples are SCREWED. America will never be the same as it once was. The Clintons always get away with breaking the law. Obama will certainly make sure of that.

I have been reading where Paul Ryan has become another Milt Romney————a Hypocrit. Endorcing Trump, and at the same time, stabbing him in the back. American people have no true friends in Washington DC–a very corrupt place.  This election has become so stupid with big time media putting down Trump, a God-fearing man, and giving Hilliary everything she wants. Looks as though Satan will win this election. Be that as it may….GOD  IS  STILL  IN  CHARGE….no matter what the idiots at the ACLU believe.



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