Monthly Archives: October 2014


by Dr David G Williams, Doctor and Scientist. ALTERNATIVES 800-527-3044
There are only four ways to pull out hardened cholesterol plaque from your arteries.
*One is to have an operation.

*Two is to get 30-50 intravenous drip chelation treatments which cost about $100 each and require sitting with a needle in your arm for at least three hours per session. Some patients have to endure over 100 chelation sessions. (Insurance will not pay for this)

* The third way is oral chelation (with tablets). That’s easier, but the results are mixed.

*My treatment of choice is LECITHIN, which costs about $2 a month, and is available anywhere, and is painless. Why does it work? Because every particle of cholesterol contains lecithin, and when enough lecithin is present in your blood, the hardened gunk dissolves and gets flushed away. When you use lecithin, you’ve lowered the melting point of the hard, oxidized cholesterol, and it washes into the bloodstream.

I take 1360mg a day, and some folks double it. Lecithin can be bought in most GNC stores, but I buy mine in Green Mountain. I, Scott Bumgarner, might add that my cholesterol dropped from 178 down to 146 in the last two years, and I am a Type 2 diabetic. I have no known heart disease at age sixty-nine.