Monthly Archives: August 2014

We Are All Americans….And God’s Children

ScottBumgarner 2014

I, like so many others, have watched the events unfold in Ferguson Missouri for the last two weeks, and most of it sickens me. In my opinion, the USA had gained new perspective regarding Racism since the 1960s. But, our US Government in Washington DC seems to want to bring back old times. To hear them, one would think it is Whites versus Blacks, again. Our government officials seemed to get involved in States operations when they can’t even take care of our Country’s problems. Of course, we all know they are not leaders by any stretch of the imagination.

I am not and never have been prejudiced. The pastor that married my wife and I was one of my favorite and best friends, and he was a Black American. I loved this little guy and we both love the Lord. I began to have classes, in Oklahoma in 1955, with Black Americans, and they are God’s children like all other races living in the United States or some other country. There is absolutely no reason that we cannot get along in this country or anywhere else.

Our so-called elected leaders should be fostering family values to all races of children; instead, of propagrandizing racism to black children. America has done more for the Black person than any other country. If you don’t believe this, study up on Sudan or the other third world countries that made up a lot of Africa.

In my opinion, God does not call people to the Ministry, with Reverend in front of their names, to become Race Baiters and to teach Hate. I am so sick and tired of these two men who believe that is their mission in life is to Bait Racism and teach Hate.  Sharpton and Jackson, say ye what? My opinion is the following, that God created Man to serve him, and not Satan:

The Great Commission
19“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Becoming a Disciple does not mean: to teach and further Racism, but to teach people about Jesus, and following him.
America Think About It………………….

A Little Bit of Health Knowledge

reprinted from the Dallas Morning News, 05 July, 2014

Body of Knowledge:

Blood travels at about 0.7 mph. It takes about 60 seconds for a drop of blood to circulate through the body.

Get Me That Stat:

The average American will eat the equivalent of 28 pigs in a lifetime. According to Andrew Darby, author of “Food in the Ancient World from A to Z.”

Mania of the Week:

Phaneromania – obsessive mania with biting one’s nails.

Never Say Diet

The speed-eating record for chocolate chip cookies is 5.125 pounds in 6 minutes, held by Tom “Goose” Gilbert.


“Out of all of the medical advancements in human history, I am still in awe of that tiny little piece of toilet paper that can stop a gushing razor cut in its tracks.”  American author: Gregor Collins.